If you're looking for programs related to sexual health, start here.

The Sexual Healing Starter Kit

What's Included?​​
Workbook guiding you on your healing journey.
A friendly Guide to Sex Toys cheat sheet.
A quiz helping you identify what kind of healing you might most benefit from, with recommendations just for you.
Some Courses Just for You

The Libido Lab & More
The Libido Lab! In five bite-sized lessons, along with workbook, you'll learn how to activate desire, all in 60 minutes. My 8-module course, Unlock Your Sensual Potential, goes further. It teaches the basics of desire, arousal, orgasm, bedroom communication, navigating dysfunction, healing from trauma, and more.
Keynotes on Sexual Health

Medical Schools, Campus & More
Using my own story, chronicled in The Pleasure Plan, as well as my expertise as Certified Sexologist Educator, I'm passionate about helping individuals, providers, and organizations foster sexual health. Sample keynotes:​​
What All Doctors Need to Know about Women's Sexual Health
What Medical Students Need to Know about Women's Sexual Health
Campus Consent Starts with Smart Dopamine Decisions
Power and Pleasure 101 for Sororities