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Filling the Gaps Left By Traditional Consent Education

Campus Consent 2.0

Past Audiences Include:

Founder, Pleasure Literacy
Hi, I’m Laura
As a survivor of sexual violation, Laura Zam is on a mission to innovate consent practices, delivering programs that fill key gaps left by traditional consent education—harm reduction that truly engages males,  empowerment for women & gender minorities, and healing for survivors. As a relationship coach, Certified Sexuality Educator,  Certified Trauma Professional, and veteran college educator, Laura brings evidence-based innovation, comprehensive expertise,  a background performing Off-Broadway, and next-level interactivity to help students thrive in relationships that form the foundation of future happiness and success. Healthy relationships allow students to reach their full potential.
people helped to find healthy sexuality through my book, TV appearances, articles, public speaking, and workshops
Rainbow Makeup

Healthy Sexual Dialogue & Female Empowerment

Pleasure & Power 101

Women and Queer-Specific Keynote​


Finally, the pleasure education you’ve been waiting for! In this interactive keynote–for sororities, women’s groups, and select LGBTQ+ groups–we’ll debunk myths related to desire, arousal, and orgasm, myths that keep you disempowered. Armed with this essential sex ed, you’ll learn concrete ways to read your body, voice your truth during encounters, firmly set boundaries, and cultivate confidence. Because of societal expectations and norms, women and queer students are often at a disadvantage in recognizing and championing their own agenda. This session addresses this inequity, as well as intersectional complexity. Participants walk away with the tools and knowledge to ensure that everyone is on the same page—not just in the beginning, but throughout a romantic encounter.

Learning Objectives:

Identify 4 Parts of the Sexual Response Cycle, pertaining to different biological genders.

Quantify their current ability to express needs and boundaries, related to different erotic phases.

Create and practice 1 verbal phrase they can use to redirect a partner, toward more pleasure.

Create and practice 1 verbal phrase they can use to set sexual boundaries

The Improv Your Hook-up workshop is amazing. Please go do it, if you get the chance.

Jeeve Mahadeo, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Healthy Sexual Dialogue

Improv Your Hook-Up: Using Theater to Master Healthy Sexual Dialogue

Workshop Experience or Keynote


How’s your hook-up game? Are you getting the pleasure you want? How about your partner(s)? Despite mandatory consent education, most students lack the sex communication skills needed to navigate safe, equitable, ecstatic intimacy. Research shows campus assault is often associated with miscommunication. This fun, interactive program uses theater improvisation to teach skillful-yet-sexy ways to ask for consent, request specific activities, read non-verbal cues, check-in throughout, and confidently set boundaries. The outcome? In a dorm room at 2 am, you’re prepared.

Learning Objectives:

Identify the 3 stages of sexual communication

Create a “Sexicon” of Words/Phrases for Each Communication Phase

Name 3 Ways to Use Similar Theater Brainstorming for Their Own Peer Education

 Sexual assault is a larger issue on our campus than we thought it was going to be. Learning in this workshop about how to set boundaries was eye-opening. 

Student Participant


Healing For Survivors

Reclaiming Body and Self after Sexual Trauma: Three Pillars of Healing

Keynote or Workshop​


Did you know more than half the students assaulted on campus came to school having already experienced unhealthy relationships and/or abuse? This workshop, offering practical tools for thriving in recovery, is tailored to students (all genders) who’ve experienced sexual trauma of any kind, before college or during. It’s also appropriate for concerned allies. In a safe, gentle space—where participants will not be asked to share details of their experience—they’ll learn a 3-pillar model that will help them build trust, navigate relationships, rediscover a connection to healthy sexuality, and avoid revictimization. The 3-pillar model can be used on its own, or in combination with other trauma support. Discover how to reclaim your miraculous body, or help a friend who is suffering—so everyone can achieve the love life and education they deserve.

Learning Objectives:

Learn 3 ways trauma can linger, leading to suffering and possible revictimization.

Identify personal ways that trauma has a affected your sense of presence, power, and purpose.

Create 1 daily habit to build/repair your three pillars: presence, power, and purpose.

University Building

Looking for programs for Campus Professionals?

I also offer workshops tailored to this audience.

A Final Note:

Please know that I customize all my programs, so I can create any combination of programs that work for your organization and campus.

As Seen Here:

Why Laura?

Provides Missing (Essential) Puzzle Pieces

20+ years as Professional Speaker

Certified Trauma Professional

Former Faculty of George Mason University

10+ years as Sexuality Educator

Off-Broadway Performer

Award-winning Author on This Topic

Makes Consent Education Engaging & Fun!


More From Laura

Podcast: Sexual Healing Central
One-On-One Coaching
Pink Almond Tree Flowers
Daily Tips on Instagram
Learn More
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